Rigging Tools

Various tools used in parachute rigging or packing.

From 2025 onwards, we will be reducing the number of rigging materials we stock. Unfortunately, high shipping rates, administrative overheads, a small market and low margins make it unfeasible to sell a wider range of these products.

For rigging services, please see our services section or get in touch.

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Cypres Temporary Pin

Made of stainless steel. Perfect for all types of containers.

Silicone Lubricant Spray

Ensure your cutaway cables are clean and slippery, ideal for use at repack time or maintenance sessions.

Assorted Needles


Stitch Picker


Cypres Silicone Bottle


Cypres Silicone Cloth


Reserve Log Cards

Log card for tracking reserve canopy packing. Book of 50.
£16 - £17

Cypres Filter Changer
